World of Warcraft

I started playing Wolrd of Warcraft in August 2005. The game was released in Februari 2005 in Europe, so i was half a year late. My first character was a Human Mage named Xadnada on the server EU-Turalyon. I learned the game and explored Azeroth mostly by myself. It feelt like i was missing something when running around by myslef. Wasn't this game supose to be about multiplayer and helping other players with quests and doing dungeons? At this time i was level 51 and exploring Un'Goro Crater and got hunted by dinousaurs.

I decided to try a new class, and maybe a new server. I ended up on EU-Defias Brotherhood (RP-PVP) and started a Night Elf Priest. I named her Yezika and begun to explore the lands of the elves. This was in December 2005. Yezika became my "main" and i found the server very friendly and i enjoyed a bit of roleplaying as well. I also got invited into many groups doing instances because i was a healing priest.

At around level 30 i got invited into the guild <Keepers of the Grail>. I only think about Indiana Jones when seeing that guild-name. The members were nice and we had some fun activities. Sadly the guildleader decided to leave and by accident i assume, the guild was disbanded and i was alone again.

In March 2006, when i was level 59 and healing a group in Scholomance, i got a whisper from Enrondind, a dwarf hunter in the group. He asked if i wanted to join a guild called <Grove of Eternal Balance>, or GoEB for short. I accepted the invitation and it was the best thing i ever done in World of Warcraft.

Anyhow, the reason i am writng this is because i want to share some things i have saved from the time in <Grove of Eternal Balance>. I did some writing and taking notes during meetings. Maybe someone who was part of the guild find these and enjoy some reading about the good old days. If you do have some connection to <Grove of Eternal Balance> or played on EU-Defias Brotherhood, please send a mail to me ( or message me on Twitter. I will be very happy to hear from you :)

Ohh, almost forgot to mentions that i also played a little gnome called Zaphire. She was selling shirts in Stormwind, Elwyn Forest and Lakeshire. She had a one-man-guild called <Traveling Shirt Vendor>, or still has actually.

GoEB Newsletter 1
GoEB Newsletter 2
GoEB Newsletter 3
GoEB Newsletter 4
GoEB Newsletter 5
GoEB Newsletter 6
GoEB Newsletter 7
Newsletter 8 and 9 does not excist. I was too lazy to write them.
GoEB Newsletter 10
GoEB Newsletter 11

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